Thursday, May 28, 2015

From Wolf to Human

I enjoyed reading the story, "St Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" the most. In the story, the sisters who work at St Lucy's Home try to convert the wolves into acting like human girls. This story addresses the issue of the intersection of speciesism. In several parts of the story, the wolves are jealous of Jeanette because she acts the most like a human. They hate her because she is most appreciated by the sister teachers while everyone else is forced and punished to work harder to stop acting wolf-like. "Speciesism is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals." The narrator, Claudette, tries her hardest to convert into being a human being because she does not want to disappoint the sisters, her parents, and herself. This causes her to turn her back on Mirabella, who has the hardest time converting to being human. Claudette has transformed herself from a wolf into a human so much that she forgets the importance of her background as a real wolf. The story's message seems to be that being an animal such as a wolf is no good, and that it is necessary to be human. The issue of speciesism is that humans are the superior species and no other species is worthy enough. Humans deserve to have better rights than all the other animals. In this story, it appears that in order to be treated fairly and respectfully, the wolves must convert to human beings or else they have to face harsh consequences. This is related to how the real world works when animals go against what humans want from them, humans are capable of punishing and killing the ones that do not behave.

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