Tuesday, April 28, 2015

True Blood/Bisclavret

The popular television series True Blood depicts werewolves as extremely masculine, aggressive and overly-dominant. The main werewolf in the series, Alcide Herveaux, was expressed as being almost ashamed of his werewolfness and wanting to be separate from his pack, even though he was the rightful leader. He was in love with Sookie Stackhouse, the main protagonist on the show, who is portrayed as a beautiful and delicate fairy. He is constantly let down and teased by Sookie because she could never fully commit herself to him. The contrast of ravenous beast and delicate fairy together only emphasizes his masculinity. Even the female werewolves were portrayed as excessively aggressive, mean, and powerful.

In Bisclavret, the knight secretly turns into a werewolf three days a week and spends those days living deep in the forest hunting his food and living wildly, like a beast. The days where he is not a werewolf is spent with his wife living his life as a knight, respected by many. True Blood werewolves are similar to this, however, since this is a more contemporary take on classic werewolves, they are more assimilated in every day society, until of course, no one is watching. This is when they are able to change into their wolf form and roam free in the nearby wilderness of Louisiana. They also don't get a break from being "beasts," because even when they are in their human form, they still act like the wolves that they are. This is unlike Bisclavret where the wolf is able to kiss the king's feet and beg him for mercy, even convincing the king that he "possess understanding and intelligence." More often than not, True Blood werewolves act more like wolves than civilized humans no matter what form they're in. Their wolf instincts are inherently stronger than their human ones.

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